Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Haka

What a day to be a cougar fan! This game absolutely thrilling, as was being in the fantastic new cowboys stadium--a truly unforgetable night. Caleb loved the stadium facts that we learned from a friend: one being that the mega screen cost more than the total cost of the old stadium. :-)
Some friends of ours, Ronnie and Jodee, stayed with us and also attended the game. And even though we missed the Haka at the end, the boys insisted on war paint and reenacting the Haka themselves on Sunday. We couldn't get them to calm down, or to stop when it was time, and eventually they had marker from head to toe and had to be scrubbed down in the shower that night. (I should have taken a picture of the head-to-toe rainbow of colors that Will and Jameson had done to themselves. These pictures were taken before things got out of hand!)

1 comment:

Jessica and Jim said...

I am laughing my head off at the eye black on Brooks!